ACT, Inc. has been meeting continuously
since 1937 and was incorporated in 1986. It is a nonprofit; tax
deductible organization dedicated to promoting, to the public, the art
of viewing and the scientific aspect of astronomy.
The Astronomy Club of Tulsa Club
Guest Speaker: Todd Lindley
Checking your weather forecast for good observing.
October 5, 2001 at 7:30
M1 inside Keplinger Hall, the Science & Engineering Building at TU.
Enter the parking lot on the East Side of Keplinger Hall from Harvard
and 5th Street. This will take you directly toward the staircase
to enter the building. Room M1 is the first room on the left.
Notes from the President
John Land
How many times have
you been looking forward to a great astronomical event, gotten all your
equipment in tip-top shape only to get CLOUDED OUT? Remember the great
Christmas Eclipse of 2000? The sun was "eclipsed alright" along
with half the nation in a monstrous blizzard.
One of our new
members, Todd Lindley, will be giving us some tips on how to monitor the
weather conditions ONLINE as we plan those observing trips. He will also
give us some tips on the climatology for the Tulsa area relating to
Todd, a recent
graduate of OU, has worked at the National Weather Service Forecast Office
here in Tulsa since June. Todd previously worked at the NWSFO in Norman
(1997-2001) and at the NWSFO in Amarillo, Texas (1995-1997). His
responsibilities include routine public and aviation forecast along with
warnings and advisories for hazardous weather events.
His main interests
are severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, specifically researching
relationships between West Texas topography and tornado climatology.
Todd became
interested in astronomy while photographing Hale-Bopp in March of 1997
from the Texas Panhandle. We were glad to welcome Todd and several of his
friends at our summer observing sessions and look forward to sharing more
of his ideas about observing.
Future Meeting Dates
Thurs Nov. 8, Dinner
Friday Dec. 7 at TU
Club Business: This
is the time for our annual reports of club business.
DUES FOR 2002 - $25
You can also renew
your subscription for Astronomy and Sky & Telescope.
Also time to order Canadian
Observing Handbooks - This year you must pay in advance. Nick will
have details.
is offering his 40+ year collection of Sky and Telescopes to interested
club members. They will be bundled by year and you may purchase a whole
year's worth by making a donation to the club. Think of all those
wonderful discovers you read about in the history books. This is your
chance to read about them and "SEE" them "LIVE"
through the eyes of those who first discovered them. First Men in Space,
The 1966 Leonid Storm - Discovery of Pulsars - First images from the Moon,
Comet West in the 70's, First X-ray Images, First Black Hole discoveries,
Voyager Missions to Jupiter and then Saturn, Comet Halley 85-86 return,
Rings of Uranus and Neptune, plus all those wonderful Deep Sky stories
from Walter Scott Houston. The list goes on forever! Dig out you astronomy
textbooks and pick your favorite year and join in the bidding. Who knows
maybe this will be better than E-bay! !
ELECTIONS are coming up in November. We are in need of several new
enthusiastic people to help plan club activities. It is difficult for just
a few people to continue to come up with new ideas for the club each
month. You don't have to be an astronomy expert to be an officer or board
Just willing to help
out. We will be hosting the 2003 Mid-States Convention and there is lots
of work to do before then.
ARTICLES - If you want to write up a project you've done, a special
observing interest, science topic - we'd love to see them included. Send
us a few paragraphs or up to a page. If possible we'd like to have it sent
e-mail. Be sure you've done your research well and grammar checking before
you send it in. We would also like to have a few paragraphs relating a to
personal observing experience like the letter from Hugh below. If anyone
would like to take on a Monthly article - I'd like to see an Observing
Challenges article featuring a constellation or type of objects and say a
top ten targets for u to find this month. I've seen these in some other
club letters and they make up a contest to see who can find them.
- We have found that a door prize or two helps keep our audience around
until the end of the program. If you have some good quality but extra
astronomy pictures - posters - eyepieces or other astronomy products you'd
like to donate they would be greatly appreciated.
& REPAIR - Gerry Andries can use help immediately with lawn care
and weed control. Due to the extreme heat this summer our repair projects
are still undone. We will be looking for help later this fall. If you have
time and equipment contact Gerry.
If you have some
fresh ideas and are willing to help please contact John Land or one of the
other club officers about helping.
The following is the
current schedule of star parties and public groups. Tentatively scheduled
dates are bracketed with question marks. All events are at the RMCC unless
noted otherwise:
Contact Gerry
Andries 369 - 3320
10-12-01 Fri 06:30 Club Star Party
10-13-01 Sat 06:30 (Back up for 10/12)
11-07-01 Wed 05:30 Royal Ambassadors of So Side Baptist Church (30)
10-05-01 Fri 07:30 Regular Meeting (at Keplinger Hall)
10-06-01 Sat 07:00 Trinity Christian School
16 acre site East of Broken Arrow - Details later
10-14 Thu 21 Okie Tex Star Party (at Black Mesa, Kenton, OK)
10-25-01 Thu 06:30 Planet Talk and Viewing (at Broken Arrow Library)
11-08-01 Thu Holiday Dinner Meeting - Furrs Cafeteria 41st & Garnett
Let's welcome our
new members, Todd Lindley, Robert and Mary Gerlack, Stephen
Lee, and Craig and Debbie Davis. This brings us to 30
new members (individuals and families) for the year, which is a very fast
growth rate for a club of our size. At our October 5th club meeting I
would like the older club members to speak to the new faces around you,
and I recommend that new members stay after the meeting a while and chat
with others. To integrate yourself into the club faster, new members can
attend some of the club functions listed in the calendar. Star parties are
good events to help you learn the sky and to also see numerous types of
telescopes, making you a more informed purchaser when you are ready.
Helping our observatory manager Jerry Andries with group events (scouts,
school groups, etc) at our observatory (RMCC) will help you to learn how
to use the 16" telescope, open the dome, and learn the sky. Give
Jerry a call if you can attend an event or to find out the weather
prospects for that evening. And whether you are experienced in our hobby
or not, we would love to have your participation in running the club. Make
your interests known, and if you have questions about our club and our
activities, give our president John Land or me a call. Phone numbers are
listed on the last page of the newsletter.
Denny Mishler, Club
Vice President and New Member Coordinator
OKIE-TEX STAR PARTY - Oct 14 to Oct 20
This premiere week of stargazing is held a Camp Billy Joe in the Black Mesa at the far edge of the Oklahoma panhandle. Several of our members have attended and say it is some of the most spectacular sky on the planet. Registration is $35 before Sept 15 then $50. Meals are $7 each and must be prepaid. Sleeping quarters are available on the grounds. K.C. Lobrecht of our club can give you a review of her experiences at Okie-Tex. For complete information contact:
Okie-Tex Star Party - Box 128 Mustang, OK 73064 - Phone 405-350-3108 or 405-722-1678
Registration on the web at http://www.OKIE-TEX.COM
Club of Tulsa,
John Land
President: Dennis Mishler
Teresa Kincannon
Nick Pottorf
Observatory Manager: Gerry Andries
Chairman: David Stine
Master: Tom McDonough
Membership: Dennis Mishler