Public Sidewalk Astronomy Night - July 13 - 7:45 PM
Begins : Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 7:45 PM Central Standard Time
Ends : Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 10:30 PM Central Standard Time
Duration : 2 hours 45 minutes
Come join us Saturday July 13 for an evening of viewing the moon and stars in our telescopes. The Astronomy Club of Tulsa will have several telescopes set up on the spacious lawn next to the Case Community Center 1050 W Wekiwa Rd, Sand Springs, OK 74063
The event will run from 7:45 PM to about 10:30 PM. This is a come and go family friendly event. There is plenty of parking at the community center. You may even like to bring a lawn chair and enjoy the sunset. Before sunset at 8:40 PM daylight time you can view the sun in solar telescopes and the First Quarter in the constellation of Virgo. Just at dusk we may be able to catch Venus and Mercury before they set in the west. The Big Dipper is well placed in the NW sky with the telescopic comet 13P/Olbers that region of the sky. To the east we can see the bright stars of the summer triangle. As an added bonus tonight the First Quarter moon will be near the bright star Spica in Virgo. About 10:15 the moon will slip in front of Spica. Such an event is known as a lunar occultation. You won't need a telescope to see the event, however binoculars or a telescope will enhance your view.
Our astronomy club members will have a number of telescopes set up for viewing. They will be eager to show you some of the night sky treasures and answer questions. Bring along your own telescope or binoculars if you like. There is plenty of room to enjoy an evening under the stars.
If the sky is cloudy, we will not be able to hold the event on this date but do plan more viewing opportunities at our observatory this summer. Check our website of other event postings
LOCATION: Case Community Center 1050 W Wekiwa Rd, Sand Springs