Hunter Park Telescope Night -- Saturday April 5 - 7:15 to 10:00 PM
Begins : Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 7:30 PM Central Standard Time
Ends : Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 10:00 PM Central Standard Time
Duration : 2 hours 30 minutes
Hunter Park Public Telescope Night
Saturday April 5 - 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Please Check our Website Home Page for possible weather rescheduling
The Astronomy Club of Tulsa in collaboration with the City of Tulsa Parks Department will offer a free public telescope observing night at Hunter Park on Saturday, April 5 from 7:30 to 10:00 PM. This is a public come-and-go event. The entrance to Hunter Park is located off 91st Street between Yale and Sheridan. ( 5804 E 91st ST ) Turn into the park and follow the road south to the large elevated concrete labyrinth pad near the playground and picnic shelter.
The event is FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC
Volunteers from the Astronomy Club will bring telescopes to allow our guests to view the craters on the Moon. Nearby with be Mars forming a nice line with the Gemini stars of Pollux and Castor. Jupiter with its cloud bands and four Galilean moons are easily seen in Taurus. Other night sky treasures include star cluster, nebulae, and galaxies. You are welcome to browse among the telescopes and visit with our members. If you have a telescope and need advise on how to set it up or operate it properly, feel free to bring your telescope to the park. Members of the Astronomy Club will be available to give advise on its operation and how to view night sky objects.
You can find several links to useful astronomy information as well as information about telescopes and recommended resources at
Discover more at Astronomy Club Resources – Tips & More